Sunshine Blogger Award
Winter is settling in here in Indiana, so I could use a little extra sunshine. And my new blogging buddy, Pam, sent some my way!
Pam, with Be Healthy Be Happy Wellness, nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!
I just started my blogging journey a few months ago, and I was so excited to meet another local blogger who understood the new language I was speaking.
WordPress, plugins, page views, MailChimp, Bluehost, SEO, domains. Six months ago I had no idea what any of that meant! With the help of the very supportive blogging community and friends like Pam, I am finding my way!
So, thank you Pam!! This award means so much to me, and I’m excited to pass it along to several other amazing bloggers.
And for my followers, I hope this gives you a bit more insight into the woman behind Traveling Tanya!
If you aren’t familiar with this award, the Sunshine Blogger Award is given to new bloggers striving to be a positive and inspiring part of the blogging community.
Award Rules
- Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post, and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award, and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
Here are my answers to Pam’s questions:
Why do you blog?
For me, blogging is a creative outlet. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but the idea of writing and publishing a book seems overwhelming. Blogging allows for much quicker gratification, although it does take a lot of work! I also love traveling and sharing my experiences with others. So that is how Traveling Tanya came to life.
What is your favorite color?
What was your favorite vacation?
It was two and a half years ago when my husband and I took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe. We enjoyed a whirlwind vacation to London, Paris, Venice, Florence, and Rome. Little did we know that we would get bitten by the travel bug and that this was just the beginning of our world travels.
If I was visiting your hometown, where would you tell me to eat?
So Italian! It is a local, family-owned Italian restaurant with amazing pizza, pasta, and breadsticks. So Italian is perfect for dinner with the whole family or a casual date night.
What is the most interesting thing you’ve done while on a vacation?
While in Venice (my favorite city in the whole world!) my husband and I enjoyed a gondola ride on the Grand Canal. This is a quintessential Venetian experience that I was not about to pass up. As they say…When in Rome…or Venice!
What was your first blog post about?
My first blog post included my 3 favorite resources for planning a European vacation. I was excited to tell others how these resources made vacation planning fun, easy, and affordable.
What has been your favorite part about blogging?
I love the whole creative process of writing and sharing my travels. But the best part is when I hear back from my followers that I have inspired them to travel more or take that dream vacation.
Dogs or cats?
I currently have one of each and love them both! But I tend to be more of a cat person. I like that cats enjoy cuddling and are pretty low maintenance.
How do you start your day?
By hitting the snooze several times! Then a quick trip to the bathroom before the dog goes crazy and insists I take her for her morning walk.
Do you have a favorite recipe? What is it?
I enjoy baking…cookies, cakes, and anything chocolatey. But my favorite recipe to make is beer bread. A close friend gave me the recipe several years ago and it is so easy. Now my daughter loves making beer bread too.
What is the last book you read?
The Forgotten Road by Richard Paul Evans. He is my favorite author, and I have read every one of his books (for adults). The Forgotten Road is the second book in a trilogy that depicts a man’s journey of self-discovery as he walks along Route 66.
And now…My Sunshine Blogger Award nominees (with their blog links and Twitter handles) are:
Tanya Kuzmanovic, PencilsandPopcans.com @tawnyk22
Getaway Mavens, getawaymavens.com @getawaymavens
She Roams About, sheroamsabout.com @sheroamsabout
Trusted Travel Girl, trustedtravelgirl.com @trusttravelgirl
The Lived Experience, youtu.be/dzMPQX9E5uo @livedexperienc
Poky Little Wanderer, pokylittlewanderer.com @pokylilwanderer
Sunsets and Roller Coasters, sunsetsandrollercoasters.com @sunset_rollerc
A Traveling Broad, travelingbroad.com @whereisATB
Putting A Pin In It, puttingapininit.com @puttingapininit
Simple Kind of Mom, simplekindofmom.com @kelliskom
Across the Pond, pintspoundsandpate.com @pint_pound_pate
Questions for my nominees:
What was the first concert you attended?
What is your favorite holiday?
Who is your favorite author?
What languages do you speak?
What was the last movie you watched, and would you recommend it to a friend?
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
What non-profit organizations do you support with your time or money?
What is your favorite beverage?
Who are your role models?
What midnight snack would you most likely be found eating?
What is your single greatest accomplishment?
I can’t wait to hear what each of you share!!!
Thanks again to Pam of Be Healthy Be Happy Wellness for nominating me! Don’t forget to check out Pam’s blog as well as all of my nominees.
Wherever the road takes you, make it a joyous journey,
Traveling Tanya
Traveling Tanya is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
P.S. Be sure to subscribe to my email list (at the top of the screen) so you will never miss out on any of Traveling Tanya’s exciting excursions or travel tips!

So fun reading your answers and checking out your nominees! Plus now I know where to eat next time we are in your neck of the woods!
We will have to plan a trip to So Italian for a slice of pizza and a glass of wine!