My journey to Adulthood – Advice to my younger self (2015)
Have you ever googled yourself? Admit it…you have!
Just the other day I googled my name to see if my new blog would pop up in the search. Among the old photos of me and various links to previous online articles, I found a blog post I wrote 3 years ago for Pass the Torch for Women.
Various professional women shared articles with advice to their younger selves, and I was thrilled to offer my middle-aged insight.
I know this isn’t a traditional travel post, but since life is the ultimate journey, I thought re-posting my advice to my younger self was perfect for Throwback Thursday.
Rereading my words of wisdom was also a great reminder. I do have some insight to share. But it’s one thing to dispense advice. It is usually harder to adhere to that advice. And I need to listen to my own advice.
I still believe the advice I shared was appropriate for my younger self. And it is also truly relevant at this stage in my life and beyond.
I hope you will also find value in this re-post, so here it is:
At the age of 41, it’s time to admit that I’ve reached middle age. There are days when I still feel like that self-conscious teenager who has so much to learn about life. And then there are days when I rejoice at the path my life has taken. On those days, I am able to reflect on all that I have accomplished and learned along life’s journey thus far. It is in those moments that I realize how truly blessed I am.
Being middle aged means I have acquired some great experiences and have several decades of great memories. And God willing, I have several more decades to learn new skills, make new mistakes, and enjoy many more adventures. The best thing about being middle aged is that you have a decent amount of perspective based on personal experience, and hopefully you still have some time to benefit from your own growing wisdom.
But if I could rewind the clock and dish out some advice to my younger self, these are the 4 big tips that may have served me well to have learned earlier in life.
Advice to My Younger Self…
Believe that you are beautiful.
Don’t waste your teen and young adult years comparing yourself to other girls or trying to hide your imperfections. Be confident in who you are and how God made you uniquely you.
Make your health a priority.
As you get older it will be harder to change your habits, so adopt healthy habits now that will become second nature. Find ways to make exercise a fun part of your regular routine. Learn to make healthy food choices most of the time so you can enjoy special treats periodically without guilt.
Don’t just expect the unexpected…embrace it!
You’re a planner so this one will be really hard. Life is going to throw some crazy stuff your way that will send the detailed life plan you envisioned in high school right out the window! You won’t get married and have children according to your original timeline. Your career path won’t follow the straight, upward path you anticipated. You will experience extreme despair, but you will get through it and ultimately find unfathomable joy. Embrace the journey and every twist and turn!
Have a little faith.
There will be seasons in your life when you will feel lost and frustrated that your life is not on track. But one day you will hang a sign in your living room that reads, “Faith is not knowing what the future holds but knowing who holds the future.” It will serve as a reminder that God has a plan for you and that you can trust in Him. So stop worrying so much!! And don’t waste your young adult years putting your faith on the back burner. The relationship you develop with God will be the most important relationship of your life, and like all relationships it needs nurturing to flourish.
Maybe my own daughters will read this and gain some wisdom and sound advice for life. Like most mothers, I hope and pray that my daughters won’t have to suffer the same broken hearts, wounded egos, and trampled self-esteem that I and most successful women have endured to become the women they were meant to be. Then again…I guess my girls need to make their own mistakes and figure things out for themselves along the way.
Now it’s your turn! Leave a comment below with the advice you have for your younger self.
Wherever the road takes you, make it a joyous journey!
Traveling Tanya
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Love love love this! It’s so very true and something we should all take the time to write to ourselves. Life is the greatest journey of all and you are traveling it well!
Thank you Tammi!! It helps that I have family and friends supporting me on this journey…including you!! I hope you will write your own letter to your younger self. 🙂