How to Make Time for Travel
When I ask people about barriers that keep them from traveling more, the #1 answer I hear is time.
Money is a close 2nd. If you want to get tips on making more money, saving more money, and finding travel deals, check out my 3 part series on how you can afford to travel more.
But now I want to help you make more time for travel. However, the reality is that time is finite.
There are just 24 hours in a day. 7 days in a week. 365 days in a year. Then every 4 years Leap Year gives us one extra day. See that…I already made more vacation time for you!
Sadly, none of us can literally make more time.
But we can make the most of the time we have.
It is because my time on earth is limited that I’ve made a conscious decision to make travel a priority in my life, RIGHT NOW. Smack dab in the middle of soccer practices, volunteer commitments, full-time jobs, school, and the never-ending pile of laundry.
If you have a bit of wanderlust in your soul, you too can make time for travel!
For most of us that doesn’t mean quitting our jobs and abandoning our responsibilities to go on a trip around the world. Although some days that thought is very appealing!
While we may not be able to make time, with a little creativity we can all find a bit more time for travel.
Here are my tips on how you can squeeze more travel into your busy schedule…starting with some baby steps.
Venture Out in Your Own City
Even when you don’t have enough time to get out of town, you can feel like you are on vacation if you act like a tourist in your own city.
Check out a cool museum not too far from home that you just haven’t made it to yet. Visit a local park and enjoy a hike or pack a picnic as you reconnect with nature. Take in a live performance or a community festival and get out of your entertainment rut of Netflix and pizza delivery.
Think like a tourist and google top things to do in your own city. You will likely discover tons of hidden treasures to explore right in your backyard.
Staycation anyone?!
Explore a New Cuisine
Trying a variety of new foods is one of the best parts of travel. Just because your schedule doesn’t include time for a trip to Thailand, doesn’t mean you can’t expose yourself to a tiny taste of Thailand.
When dining out, skip the typical chain restaurants and try a new cuisine at an authentic ethnic restaurant.
Indian, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Ethiopian…travel the world one restaurant at a time!
Experiencing new flavor combinations will broaden your palate and give you a chance to learn about other cultures. Chances are it will also pique your desire to venture to new lands in search of even more culinary delights.
Take a Day Trip
Who said travel has to include a weeklong vacation or even an overnight stay?! Simply hopping in the car for a road trip to a town a few hours away can offer an escape from the daily routine. And since you don’t need to pack an overnight bag you’ll also save time preparing for a day trip.
Decide how far you are willing to drive, remembering you’ll be making the save drive back later that day. Then get out your map and see what places of interest fall within the driveable zone.
Check out a small town 2 hours away that you’ve heard great things about. Grab your girlfriends and make a trip to that fabulous mall 3 counties over. Tell the kids you are going on an adventure and set out for a day of outdoor fun at a state park.
Or be totally spontaneous and get in the car with your significant other and just drive! Look for unique stops along your route and you just might have a fabulous adventure that you never would have thought to plan.
Take Advantage of Required Travel
Some of life’s many commitments are likely already taking you away from home. Make the best of these mandatory travel opportunities.
If you are attending an out of town conference for work don’t spend your free time alone in your hotel room. Get out and explore the sights! Tack on an extra day or 2 before or after the conference and take advantage of being in a fun new city. Consider bringing your spouse along so you both get some time away from home…while your company pays for most of the travel expenses.
If you find yourself zigzagging across the state as you tote the kids to travel sports tournaments or dance competitions, think of it as a mini-vacation. You will likely have downtime when you aren’t needed on the field or backstage. Scope out a nearby winery or take a tour of a historical site. Or simply enjoy lounging in the hot tub at your hotel with a good book.
Traveling for a wedding? Unless you are in the wedding party your duties will be minimal, so see this as an opportunity to explore someplace new. Whether that wedding takes you to rural Ohio or an exotic island, I bet you can find several fun activities to enhance this required travel experience.
Enjoy a Weekend Getaway
The weekend is a perfect time to get out of town! Granted, not everyone works a Monday through Friday 9-5 job these days. And even those who do still have plenty of responsibilities on the weekends.
Look at your calendar and plan ahead for those weekends that aren’t super jam-packed. Plan your trip around a built-in 3 day weekend like Memorial Day or Labor Day for a longer getaway.
Your children may have to miss a baseball game every once in a while or not be able to serve at church one Sunday. But if the end result is creating priceless family memories with a weekend camping trip or visit to an amusement park, it will be worth the sacrifice.
Another option is to ship the kids to grandma and grandpa’s house if what you really need is a romantic weekend away to reconnect with your spouse!
Dedicating just a few weekends a year to travel will allow you to explore new destinations and check items off your travel bucket list. And it will guarantee you always have a fun new adventure to look forward to in the coming months.
Use Your Vacation Time
Whether you work part-time or full-time, are an hourly or salaried employee, chances are your vacation time is fairly limited. The amount of paid vacation you get likely depends on how long you have worked for your employer, the field you are in, and where you live.
Americans sometimes complain about limited vacation time compared to what is typical in other countries. But do we even take the vacation time we have coming?
The U.S. Travel Association’s Project Time Off did a study and found that a whopping 52% of Americans didn’t use all of their vacation days in 2017.
I hate to think of all those missed opportunities for travel!
Don’t be one of those people, I beg of you!
I’m positive your company can live without you for a few days and probably even a whole week. When you return from a week at the beach or a trip to Europe, you will bring with you new perspectives from your travel experience. And maybe a few souvenirs for those jealous co-workers who haven’t quite learned the value of travel.

It’s Time To Travel
I hope these tips have given you several practical strategies for how YOU can work more travel into your busy schedule, RIGHT NOW.
Once you do, there is a good chance you will be bitten by the travel bug! And with that newfound wanderlust and a commitment to make travel a priority, somehow, you will find even more time to travel the world.
Happy Travels!
Wherever the road takes you, make it a joyous journey,
Traveling Tanya
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