Be Transported Through Books
Books can transport you all over the world…and beyond! While I love to travel and visit exciting destinations in person, when that isn’t possible, a captivating book can be the next best thing.
A good book can take you to the Tuscan countryside, the sandy shoreline, or even to outer space! Whether you prefer paperbacks or ebooks, fact or fiction, romance or mystery, historical recounts or futuristic worlds, books are an inexpensive and accessible way to quench your wanderlust and escape from the daily grind.
When you are traveling, packing a good book can also make the journey that much more enjoyable. There is nothing more relaxing than getting lost in a book while lounging at the beach or passing time with a good read at the airport or during a long flight.
If you are looking to add some great books to your reading list, Pam and I have you covered!
Keep reading and click the links below for some excellent book recommendations from Pam with Our Adventure is Everywhere. Then find out who some of my own favorite authors are and a few of the titles on my reading list.
Click on the book images below to go to Amazon.com and add these titles to your personal library!
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Pam’s Book Recommendations
Looking for a GREAT book?
In the last few weeks, we instituted a half an hour of reading a day in our household. This has been great for the kids and as an avid reader, I’m really enjoying it too!
Are you looking for a great book to read? Check out this round-up of my favorite reads from 2019. You’ll find an eclectic mix of mysteries, historical fiction, young adult and non-fiction.
This group of books was a nice variety of genres – a little mystery, a little history, and a little YA. Of the books I share in this post, One of Us Is Lying is probably the one that stuck with me the longest. It’s fun for me to go back and check out my reviews from a year ago to see what I remember, and this one was for sure memorable!
Summer reading for me is usually spent outside or on my screened-in porch. Poolside with a frothy drink if I’m on vacation. Summer reading is lazy, enjoyable and my preferred way to relax. I can’t wait for the warm weather so I can re-create those low-key summer nights of sitting outside with a great book!
Without a doubt, my favorite book from last summer wasn’t a typical beach read, it was, in fact, a heavy subject. But so well written! I picked up The Tattooist of Auschwitz from a free library (I left another book in its place) while we were visiting Vero Beach, and it just consumed me. I passed it on to my niece to read, and I’m sure she’ll pass it on to someone else! It’s just one of those books that you want all your friends to read.
I spent a lot of time on airplanes last fall so I had a LOT of books to select from for this review. It was hard as I enjoyed a lot of winners. As I’m a sucker for a good novel that takes a bit of real-life to start with and then turns it into fiction, I’d say my favorite from this group is Finding Dorothy. I thoroughly enjoyed the deep dive into the imagined background behind a well-loved movie. This was also a wonderful change of pace from the many mystery books I had recently been reading.
Even though it was a mild winter, a lot of reading still took place! Cozy nights by the fire with a soft kitten, cuddly blanket, interesting book, and glass of wine. Sounds perfect, right? I’m having a hard time deciding which one was my favorite, so I’m going to have to highlight two! The Wellness Project was just what I needed to shake off the winter doldrums and get back on track after the heavy holiday eating. I’ve made several of the recipes (and they are delicious) and also become a huge fan of the author’s website. She has so many excellent and doable tips and I loved learning about her health journey.
The other book I have to highlight is The Last Child. I was riveted from beginning to end and have since read several other books by the same author. The story was haunting, often disturbing, yet somehow still filled with hope. Quite the adventure.
I read a lot of books in 2019 – at least a book or two every week, so getting it down to a small number wasn’t easy. However, with all the craziness in the world right now, an escape into a good book might be just what you need to survive!
If you read as much as I do, I usually recommend getting your books from the library so you don’t spend a fortune. However, that’s not as easy these days, so I made sure all of these favorites are available to order on Amazon. I have a list a mile long of books I’d like to read, and I find I’m moving through them at an incredible rate with all this extra downtime, so be sure to visit my website regularly for the next review – there are going to be some good ones on there!
Traveling Tanya’s Book Recommendations
My all-time favorite author is Richard Paul Evans. I’m pretty sure I have read every one of his novels (for adults), some I’ve read multiple times, and many I’ve given as gifts.
Most of his books are a fairly quick read and I find that I have trouble putting them down once I start. They generally have a Christian undertone but are in no way preachy. He doesn’t shy away from difficult topics that everyday people face in this world, yet his books leave you with a sense of hope. Something we could all use a bit more of these days!
The book that made him famous is The Christmas Box, but I recommend reading this one any time of year.
Two of his series will seriously have you contemplating a really long walk! The Walk series includes 5 books and follows a man’s journey as he walks from Washington State to Key West after his wife’s untimely death.
His more recent 3 book series, The Broken Road, also involves a great deal of walking. He recounts one man’s journey along Route 66 after he is presumed dead and attempts to resurrect himself as a better man.
A few years ago I was thrilled to hear that Richard Paul Evans’ daughter had also written a book, so I had to check it out! The fact that it was set in Florence, Italy made it even more appealing! While Jenna Evans Welch has a much different writing style than her father, I absolutely adored Love & Gelato. Even as a middle-aged woman I love reading Young Adult novels and this is a great one. Read my entire review of this book here.
Her second novel, Love & Luck, takes place in Ireland. While I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the first one (possibly due to my bias for Italy!), it is still a solid read and full of adventure in a foreign land.
And if you have an affinity for Greece, be sure to pre-order her third book, Love & Olives, coming out in Summer 2020! It’s on my reading wish list!
As for my recent reads, I just finished The Map That Leads to You. It had me longing for a long summer of galavanting across Europe!
I’m currently halfway through a Jodi Picoult classic, Small Great Things. This one deals with weighty issues about racism, and as with all of Picoult’s books, it is a riveting page-turner and really makes you think.
Then there are two books I’ve hinted that I’d like for Mother’s Day! I’ve heard great things about In Five Years so I’m excited to read it and decide for myself.
The other book is The Jetsetters. I follow Reece Witherspoon’s Instagram account and this is one of Reece’s picks so I’m hoping I will like it too.
I could go on and on with the titles I want to read!
But it’s time to wrap this article up…so I can get back to reading!
What are you reading right now? Any favorite titles you would recommend? Comment below and let’s add to each other’s reading lists!
Wherever the road takes you, make it a joyous journey,
Traveling Tanya
Traveling Tanya is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
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